Forschungszentrum Jülich - Institute of Energy Research IEF-3 - Fuel Cells

Forschungszentrum Jülich pursues cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in the fields of health, energy and the environment, and also information technologies. With a staff of about 4400, Jülich is one of the largest research centres in Europe.

The Institute of Energy Research (IEF) investigates modern energy conversion technologies. Nine sub-institutes cover a range from photovoltaics and fuel cells, through nuclear fusion, right up to innovative coal and gas power plants. The Institute of Energy Research IEF-3 - Fuel Cells - is a sub-institute with a staff of approximately 100 employees and oriented to the basic topic of electrochemistry and process engineering for fuel cells.

Main fuel cell activities

  • Direct-methanol fuel cells,
  • high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells,
  • solid oxid fuel cells and
  • fuel processing systems

In an integrated approach the mentioned activities ae accompanied by

  • sytematic studies,
  • fundamental modelling and simulation and
  • experimental and theoretical system evaluation

All results are used for the design of functional systems and their verification.

Technology Transfer

The IEF-3 is focussed on implementing results from research in innovative products, procedures and processes in collaboration with industry, and is keen to make a contribution towards bridging the gap between science and technology.